Organic Foods Or Not

Many people are looking to Organic as the safer solution to buying food. If you are like my mother in-law, she shops as strictly organic as she can. Products that fill her cart are labeled organic, free range, hormone free, and all natural. My concern for her, not only as my mother in-law, but as a senior citizen on a fixed income. Let’s look at the definitions for a moment of what each of these mean.

Organic: growing with out the use of fertilizers, fertilizing using manure, compost is used to feed the soil.

Free Range: animals are allowed to roam freely without containment.

Hormone Free: No animals have been injected with hormones to produce rapid growth or more milk.

All Natural: Foods that do not have additives such as artificial coloring or preservatives.

This all sounds really good but the question is, are they any better or have more nutritional value? According to the Mayo Clinic website, an article I read there states “No conclusive evidence shows that organic food is more nutritious than is conventionally grown food. And the USDA — even though it certifies organic food — doesn’t claim that these products are safer or more nutritious.”

The fact of farmers using the organic method, is more for the environment. The results are, less pollution and water conservation. It is true the Organic foods cost more mainly due to the cost of farming process. Therefor the more costly farming of organics is passed to you, the consumer.
The fact of farmers using the organic method, is more for the environment. The results are, less pollution and water conservation. It is true the Organic foods cost more mainly due to the cost of farming process. Therefor the more costly farming of organics is passed to you, the consumer.

Basically, I asked her if there was a difference in taste, organic to regular foods, and she did not really notice any difference what so ever. Example, she purchased 1 organic sweet potato, the cost a whopping $4.99. Now you can buy sweet potatoes as low as $1.49 cents a pound on sale. The only thing I pointed out to her is that she is spending more money on foods then she has to. I left the choice to her rather to keep buying organic or not. I have noticed she cut back, saving some money.

It may be a little more time consuming to wash your fruit and vegetables if you buy from a big chain grocer, but you will save more money as well. The other solution, buy from local farmers on the side of the road, stock up and freeze extra vegetables. I know one lady farmer near me uses organic methods in her garden and does not pass a huge buck onto me. So with all this said, I will shop and buy regular foods and just wash them accordingly. If you are extremely worried about chemicals, peel off the skin. I am all for saving the environment but at the same time, it is more important for me to keep more money in my wallet. The choice is yours to make, to be organic or not to be.

Organic Food:

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